
Notes from November Meeting

Here are the notes from the last meeting...

TOPIC: Setting Clear Targets (Chapter 3)
Brittney - shared how targets are displayed and addressed with students. Targets for each subject are written on the white board in the front of the class and the students read eeach target and discuss what is means. Puts stars next to the targets that have been reviewed at the end of the lesson.
Tamra - Shared how she has the students come up with 3 "why's" to the target. For example, "Why are we doing an ERT?" Tamra also shared her data from the Student Survey. Most students were able to say they knew what they were learning, but were not sure what they would be learning next, or how to put together a portfolio (yet to be taught).
Cindy - Cindy share that she is putting up her targets on the white board as well, however only has room to do one subject at a time. The students are enjoying using the targets. Cindy also shared her data from the student survey, which had similar results to Tamra's.
Jonathon - Jonathon shared a rubric he uses for SSR that he made on the Smartboard. He is working on using it more consistently.
Joanne - Joanne shared that she uses the magentic chart to post her targets for the day. She also shared a Weekly Feedback Form that that the students fill out about their progress and targets for the week. Parents sign and return it.
Ray - Ray shared via the blog.
Peggy - Peggy shared how she is posting the targets on a portable white board in her classroom. She has morning on the front and afternoon on the back.

For the next meeting...
- Read chapter 4
- Please bring 1 or 2 examples of student assessments you use.


Student Survey

I gave the student survey to my kids. They took it very serious. I'll come w/ the data.

I have been giving pre-assessments to my 3rd and 5th grade math groups. Students find out how they scored but I stress to them that it was a pre-assessment and we are looking for growth. After teaching the chapter lessons, we use that pre-assessment as a study guide. But we also talk about the goal/grade for the post assessment.
I have had some success. My 3rd grade group is the "approaches" AIMS group and each student except 1 grew in %. The one student stayed at 80%.
My 5th grade group however is made up of Limited English Speakers and/or Special Education students. I have not had as much success with setting clear targets with them. It does not seem to motivate them.
I may try some visuals.


Chapter 3


Here are some topics and things to think about as you review chapter 3 for the meeting on Friday...
1. How have you been setting clear targets for your students? What is working and what is not working for you at this time?

Also, Cindy and Tamra shared a student survey and teacher survey with us at the last meeting. If you have had a chance to complete the survey please bring it along if you would like.

Peggy and I shared a rubric we use for SSR and talked about how we could use it in other subjects as well. I will be posting that on the General Shared folder before our meeting (I know I said I would do that). If anyone has been able to use it or use something like it please come ready to share how that is going.



Hi all,

Cindy E & I were thinking that it might be helpful to have a few focus questions in mind for the chapters that we read.

We were interested in the self-assessment & the student survey . We have copies of both of these for you all!




Hi all,

This is the 1st official post to our book club Blog! Seeing as we are such busy individuals, I'm hoping that you'll find this format a good way for us to communicate!

Please post a response!
